Marralomeda Philosophy

Marralomeda is a Christian community where prayer is part of daily experience.  As members of the Marralomeda Community the unique gift of each individual is recognised. The right to be listened to, loved and respected is paramount.

Although there are varieties of responsibilities there is no hierarchy of importance at Marralomeda. Each person in the community is accepted as they are and valued for who they are, their gift is precious to the community. Each person is accepted as “the light of Christ”.

Marralomeda is not only a service provider for persons with learning disability, it is a community where people come together to grow in bonds of friendship. Through walking with each other as we journey through the dailyness of our lives we celebrate our gifts and support each other in our various disabilities. No one person has all the gifts to make the community truly alive, therefore we rely on one another. Our disabled members often reveal to us our own preoccupation with the so-called “important” things of life and can forget how to enjoy life, to celebrate and to cherish relationships in a simple way.

Central to our philosophy is the concept of empowerment. We seek to empower our community members to make informed choices, to take responsibility for decisions and to contribute to all tasks pertaining to the running of their home and community to the level possible for each individual.

We believe in community integration and encourage our community members to participate in activities within the wider community and offer support to enable this to happen. Community integration is the key to public understanding of what the person with learning disability has to offer.

Hospitality is also central to Marralomeda philosophy. Whoever comes to the door is welcomed in an appropriate way and made to feel valued and important.  We believe the busyness of daily life must never overtake the unexpected call to welcome. Relationships are fostered and family contact always encouraged.